Monday, January 17, 2011

Self Worth

A-Ha Moments,
I have them ALL the time!!
Especially this past year!
Personal growth = clarity!
What's surprised me most is where the moments come from!
Different places all the time!

One of the MOST profound things I ever heard another human say came from Marie Osmond!
While on the Oprah Winfrey Show, she was being interviewed about her sons death,
tragic, but Oprah had asked about her divorce, Marie commented VERY briefly about the marriage
but followed it with the statement...
"You marry at the level of your self esteem, have self worth"

I was BLOWN away! Truly!
I would take that so far as even dating or selecting friends!!
I deserve to be in a peaceful, loving relationship with a man who treats me with respect.
Who makes me happy!
I wouldn't be friends with someone who abused me or called me names!
So WHY would I stay in a relationship with someone who does those things?
I love Marie Osmond for that moment!
I will live the rest of my days holding a higher standard of my partner!
I have often wondered if I was mistaken in ending my marriage,
it hurt my boys, it clearly had affected me!
What I didn't realize I suppose is that I wasn't sure how to not be in an abusive relationship!
I didn't know how to not have someone call me names or put me down all the time!
I'm stronger now!
I suppose I was always strong...
had to survive somehow!

More A-ha moments to follow I'm sure!!

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